Wednesday, 15 February 2017

Ill Manors: Print platform

Ill Manors: Print platform

Read the following print articles:
Answer following questions and tasks:
1) Identify the target audience (demographics/psychographics) for this magazine. How is that particular audience attracted?
2) Does the article do more than just entertain? How? (Think of Uses and Gratifications theory) What audience pleasures does the article offer?
3) What codes/conventions of print interviews can you find in the article? 
4) How is narrative used to tell a story in each interview? Clue: what is it that keeps the reader interested in the article to the very end?
5) What synergy can you find between this text and the broadcast examples we have studied so far?

Men’s Health interview

This magazine would be male dominant and mostly aimed at men who are in the middle class and upwards. This magazine is most likely to be orientated around men who are interested in fitness or want to get into it and portray a sense of dignity and are into fashion. 
The psycho-graphic group that this magazine may appeal to are Aspirers as the traits that men who buy this magazine are mostly like to have are perhaps materialistic, acquisitive, affiliative and oriented to esentric.

This article is most likely to do more than entertain as this is about male's fitness and could be used for personal identity as this could be motivation for men to get their fitness levels up.   

The code/conventions of print interviews

  • Will adopt a semi - formal to formal register.
  • Will have a relevant headline/ title.
  • Will have an introduction and a conclusion.
  • Will use a style aimed at involving and interesting the reader.
  • Will refer to the interview, including direct quotation.
This interview includes all of these codes and conventions a part from an an introduction and conclusion.   

Narrative is used to tell a story in this interview as there is mentions of fitness throughout with is incorporated through Plan B's replies and this magazine is orientated around fitness which would therefore hook the reader into carrying on reading it up until the end. 

The synergy between this and the broadcast example that we have studied is the mention of the film "Ill Manors" and the media platform that has been used. This platform adds to the broadcast examples and media coverage to promote Ill Manors as Plan B's picture is present.  

NME Magazine interview

The target audience for this interview would be unisex but for an audience of a younger generation typically aged 15 - 28. This would most likely appeal to those of both lower and middle class and for people that are interested in music. 
The psycho-graphic group that this magazine would be directed at is explorers as they're likely to have the characteristics of brand choices which highlights difference, sensation, adventure, indulgence and instant effect - the first to try new brands. This magazine would appeal to them as there is new music and aspects of media posted on NME regularly. 

This article may be more likely to entertain and offer audience pleasures to aspiring artists who will see these type of interviews or media sources and may receive ideas from this to use for themselves and their art. 

The code/conventions of the NME interview.

  • Has a relevant headline/ title.
  • Has an introduction and a conclusion.
  • Has a style aimed at involving and interesting the reader.
  • Refer to the interview, including direct quotation.

Narrative is used to tell a story in this interview as this is directed around politicians and includes Plan B's views on this. This includes what the audience already know about the government and how young people view this and this relates back to "Ill Manors" and the aim of it. 

The synergy between this text and the broadcast examples that we have studied is the picture used. As seen in the other broadcast examples negative habits like smoking, tracksuits/urban wear and very nitty gritty imagery. Also, he is directly looking at the camera which can been seen in a few other of the broadcast examples and therefore there is synergy in this. 

Guardian interview

The target audience for this magazine is most likely to be for middle-classed people aged 28 and older. These group of people would most likely to be politically viewed and indulged in what is going on in the world. 
The psycho-graphic group that this audience is likely to be are mainstreamers. They are most likely to have the traits of being domestic, conformist, conventional, sentimental, passive and habitual. Part of the mass, favouring big and well-known value for money 'family' brands.

This article may do more than entertain by offering knowledge to the audience. From reading this article the audience will consume the information being portrayed and become more aware of Plan B and his views. 

The code/conventions of The Guardian interviews

  • Has a semi - formal to formal register.
  • Has a relevant headline/ title.
  • Has an introduction and a conclusion.
  • Has a style aimed at involving and interesting the reader.
  • Refers to the interview, including direct quotation.
Narrative is used in this article to analyse Plan B's film "Ill Manors" by including some quotes that he has said from his interview and them being manipulated to fit the objective of the newspaper and the views of the newspaper.

The synergy between this text and the other media broadcasts examples is the eye contact that Plan B makes with the viewer. This can be found in multiple media platforms that "Ill Manors" is being promoted in. Also there is synergy from the actor "Aaron" holding a gun as his image is used in this article but also in other broadcast examples like the dvd cover which is also showing him holding a gun.  

Daily Mail review of Ill Manors

The target audience for the Daily Mail is most likely  to be an unisex audience aged around 27 and older and have a more right-winged political view and knowledgable.

The psycho-graphics that this audience are most likely to be in are Succeeders. They are likely to be strongly goal orientated, confident, work ethical, organised and support status quo and stability. Their brand choice is likely to be based on reward, prestige - the very best. Also, will be attracted to 'caring' and protective brands. 

The article is most likely to just entertain the audience as they will find humour within the review based on Plan B's views and the way the article has been formed. 

The code/conventions of Daily Mail Review
  • Has a semi - formal to formal register.
  • Has a relevant headline/ title.
  • Has an introduction and a conclusion.
  • Has a style aimed at involving and interesting the reader.
  • Refers to the interview, including direct quotation.

Narrative is used in this article as the ideology of the article is portrayed through their wording and choice of things to focus on in the film. This therefore reflects the overall aim of the artist Plan B and the film "Ill Manors" through the opinion of the newspaper. 

The synergy between this text and the other broadcast examples are the images used like the one of the character "Aaron" holding the gun which is also reflected in The Guardian. In addition to this, the trailer is included in this review which is a synergy for the film. 

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