Monday, 17 October 2016

Brand Identity in Television

Questions based on brand identity in television article

-What are 5 opportunities and 5 challenges for the branding of television channels, with the onset of the digital age?

-Summarise the article’s most significant points in 10 lines.

-Make a note of any new terminology that the article contains that you could use.

-Define Middle Brow, Low Brow and High Brow in your notes and think of some examples of television programmes that would fit each category.

The 5 opportunities for branding of television channels are:
  • The on-air ident
  • Catch up
  • On Demand
  • Create a distinct brand expression.
  • Create a new design language that crosses boundaries. 

The 5 challenges for branding of television channels are: 
  • As other service and content providers crossover into multi-platform models, television has to re-position and distinguish itself in this crowded context.
  • Have to re-think the essentials of brand and strategy on a grander scale
  • Flagship general entertainment channels in  each country are typically surrounded by younger, niche, genre channels
  • Global channels have the additional challenge of working across cultures and demographic groups, while being entertaining, credible and relevant locally.
  • The broadcaster of the future will no longer be able to afford take such a soloed approach to decision making

- The most significant points in the article is that the way television is viewed is changing.
Things like that are making television change is the use of watching it on demand and catch up and the audience using different platforms like smartphones to be able to watch the programmes that they want when they want it. Television is adapting to these changes by introducing new things that entice the audience to continue watching tv. Things like inventing a new visual aspect of their channels and getting the audience involved, like MTV introducing something that allows the audience to create videos and it will be shown in the adverts, makes the audience still want to watch television rather than using their device. Also, television brands are becoming more adapted to engaging with the audience by understanding the satisfaction that urges them to watch it. For example, the tone of a persons voice on television can connect with the audience more. 

 -New terminology. 

  1. Homogenous
  2. Domestic space
  3. Multi-platform models
  4. Multi-channel brands
  5. Flagship
  6. Niche
  7. Demographic groups
  8. Brand ethos
  9. Idents
  10. Digital environments
  11. Brand vernacular 
  12. User interfaces
  13. Signposting
  14. Multitude of social platforms
  15. Augmented reality

Middle Brow
Middle Brow describes both a certain type of easily accessible art, often literature, as well as (more negatively) the population that uses art to acquire culture and class that is usually unattainable.

Low Brow
Low brow consists of gossip magazines, rumour driven media, newspapers and television which rely on shock value rather than a balanced argument being presented. The facts do not get in the way of a "good" story as this media thrives on controversy and hearsay.

High Brow
High brow is one where facts are paramount and trained, respected journalists research and write the story. The articles or documentaries are given space in specialist journals or large format newspapers or on free to air television stations

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