Tuesday, 18 October 2016

Institutions - Brand Values

Brand Values

Choose 5 brands. For EACH brand:

Sum up the brand values in 100 words, making reference to Dyer’s lines of appeal
Distil the brand values into one sentence of no more than 10 words. 
Sum up the brand in ONE word.

Brand 1: Apple

Apple has perception of high quality and uniqueness which justifies the price of its products and as it's used in numerous countries it makes the brand desirable. Apple has the lines of appeal of happy families, rich luxurious lifestyles, glamorous places and self importance and pride. Having Apple products reinforces involvement and the expense of goods evokes a feel of a luxurious lifestyle. This relates to self importance as Apple products are admired, therefore, having one will result to that. Also when inside an Apple store, it is glamorous and professional which makes the customer feel that they are glamorous.

The Apple brand is about professionalism with distinctive, fun characteristics.

Apple brand in one word: Innovative.

Brand 2: Seventh generation

Seventh Generation brand is a company that is best for the environment that turns a profit whilst benefiting its workers, its community and the earth. It has Dyers lines of appeal: nature and the natural world and happy families. This brands targets having goods that improve the environment which is beneficial for nature as they have products that are biodegradable and vegetable-based cleaning goods which reduces pollution and environmental damage. Also their products have traditional ways of helping the community like having chlorine free tampons and paper towels and natural lotion baby wipes which symbolises wholesomeness and family orientation.

The Seventh Generation brand is about sustainability and being ethical. 

Seventh Generation brand in one word: Eco-friendly.

Brand 3: Disney

Disney is an international cultural icon where families could escape the outside world and enjoy themselves through the sensational types of entertainment that Disney offer. The lines of appeal they explore are: Happy families, Dreams and fantasy and Childhood. This is because Disney is mostly recognised as family orientated with optimism and a loving environment. Also, Disney explores dreams and fantasy mostly through their films and theme parks which are viewed as extraordinary as they contain excitement that is exceptionally different to any experience. Finally, they contain childhood through their animations and exhilarating entertainment which children, and adults, adore.

The Disney brand is about imagination, happiness and contains fun.

Disney brand in one word: Magical.

Brand 4: Money Supermarket

Money Supermarket is a brand that takes care of necessities like insurance, Money, Energy and More.This brand fits into several of Dyer’s lines of appeal: Elite people or experts, successful careers and comedy and humour. This brand portrays professionalism and specialises in finance so makes evokes a sense of expert handling on finance. Also, successful careers are shown as Money Supermarket handing money so there is contentment with financial statuses and increased consumer confidence in the brand. Finally, there is also a sense of comedy and humour portrayed as the adverts are humorous which brings relaxation to the company. 

The Money Supermarket brand is about being economical confidently. 

Money Supermarket is one word: Reliable

Brand 5: Victoria's Secret

Victoria's Secret Brand is sensual and associates with sexy lingerie womenswear and beauty products. It has the brand values of fashion, essentials and quality and explores the lines of appeal of successful romance and love, glamours places and beautiful women. This is shown through the products sold by this brand which could be dedicated to love and relationships. Also, often this brand is seen as fashionable and glamorous as the beauty products resemble allurement and enchantment. Finally, this brand signifies beautiful women as the lingerie is quite seductive and there is often attraction and admiration towards the Victoria Secret models.

The Victoria Secret Brand is about secrecy, charm and captivation.  

Victoria Secret Brand in one word: Intimate      

Monday, 17 October 2016


What legislation covers the internet? 

The internet has to be protect certain aspects like data protection,  defamation, copyright, infringement and trademarks.

This is where the DATA PROTECTION ACT comes in.
This covers personal data on the internet and any websites that may have personal information.

Brand Identity in Television

Questions based on brand identity in television article

-What are 5 opportunities and 5 challenges for the branding of television channels, with the onset of the digital age?

-Summarise the article’s most significant points in 10 lines.

-Make a note of any new terminology that the article contains that you could use.

-Define Middle Brow, Low Brow and High Brow in your notes and think of some examples of television programmes that would fit each category.

The 5 opportunities for branding of television channels are:
  • The on-air ident
  • Catch up
  • On Demand
  • Create a distinct brand expression.
  • Create a new design language that crosses boundaries. 

The 5 challenges for branding of television channels are: 
  • As other service and content providers crossover into multi-platform models, television has to re-position and distinguish itself in this crowded context.
  • Have to re-think the essentials of brand and strategy on a grander scale
  • Flagship general entertainment channels in  each country are typically surrounded by younger, niche, genre channels
  • Global channels have the additional challenge of working across cultures and demographic groups, while being entertaining, credible and relevant locally.
  • The broadcaster of the future will no longer be able to afford take such a soloed approach to decision making

- The most significant points in the article is that the way television is viewed is changing.
Things like that are making television change is the use of watching it on demand and catch up and the audience using different platforms like smartphones to be able to watch the programmes that they want when they want it. Television is adapting to these changes by introducing new things that entice the audience to continue watching tv. Things like inventing a new visual aspect of their channels and getting the audience involved, like MTV introducing something that allows the audience to create videos and it will be shown in the adverts, makes the audience still want to watch television rather than using their device. Also, television brands are becoming more adapted to engaging with the audience by understanding the satisfaction that urges them to watch it. For example, the tone of a persons voice on television can connect with the audience more. 

 -New terminology. 

  1. Homogenous
  2. Domestic space
  3. Multi-platform models
  4. Multi-channel brands
  5. Flagship
  6. Niche
  7. Demographic groups
  8. Brand ethos
  9. Idents
  10. Digital environments
  11. Brand vernacular 
  12. User interfaces
  13. Signposting
  14. Multitude of social platforms
  15. Augmented reality

Middle Brow
Middle Brow describes both a certain type of easily accessible art, often literature, as well as (more negatively) the population that uses art to acquire culture and class that is usually unattainable.

Low Brow
Low brow consists of gossip magazines, rumour driven media, newspapers and television which rely on shock value rather than a balanced argument being presented. The facts do not get in the way of a "good" story as this media thrives on controversy and hearsay.

High Brow
High brow is one where facts are paramount and trained, respected journalists research and write the story. The articles or documentaries are given space in specialist journals or large format newspapers or on free to air television stations

Thursday, 13 October 2016

Media Reflection

1. What do you consider your strengths and weaknesses have been so far? 

2. What would you like to learn more about? 

3. What next steps do you need to take to ensure success in Media A Level?

1. Strengths: 
    I think that my strengths so far have been being creative and putting in extra effort to do my work so that i have a clearer understanding of what i have been taught and to also show off my potential and ability of what i can do. 

 I think that my weaknesses is missing time off school and having to catch up. From this, i have not got the full learning support that other students have in class which means that i may not be able to understand a few things properly. 

2. I would like to learn more about media consumption and how that can effect people. I find it interesting learning about the different types of media, how there is intention in every production of them and how this effects the audience in different ways. 

3. The next steps that i need to take to ensure success in Media A Level is to go out of my way, if i have missed lessons, to get a clearer understand of what i have missed. I.e, doing extra research at home and staying after school with my teacher when i am in to go over what i have missed. 

Sunday, 9 October 2016

Feedback On Institution Lesson

Institution lesson: News Corporation.

Powerpoint lesson: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1A4GLNWfL8R4Y05sBduVGoKLJ9BYR74zElnPTTZqwF9Y/edit#slide=id.p

Kahoot Quiz: https://play.kahoot.it/#/lobby?quizId=82bee51d-6ba9-4dbf-bb56-2123b134ea64

Plenary: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UGkXLCi-F7E

Videos in the presentation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fCtPnx5wbso


-The hand out was very comprehensive and helpful. 
-Also, the starter was very good at getting students engaged and the feedback was useful. --The history about News Corp achieved a good insight to what News Corp was about.
-The first clip presented in the presentation helped to aid understanding of the history of News Corp. 
-What was also good is that the disadvantages of the conglomerate was discussed, it being bias and etc. 
-There was some use of media terminology like 'market share' and 'monopoly'. 
-The images and graphics helped to illustrate the points made and emphasise the size it reach influence. 
-The quiz showed was outstanding and highlighted that alot of effort was invested in the presentation, involved the students and evoked them to remember what was being said throughout the presentation. 
-Plenary was excellent which included what news corp is currently doing to appeal to people online and across the world.


-The Handout could have included Rupert Murdoch. 
-The starter could have asked, "Which news papers do you think is owned by News Corp?"
-There could have been more media terminology (Subsidiaries/ synergy/ convergence)
-The presentation did not address controversies e.g News International Scandal, political influence and potential for vested interest/ bias in the news.
- There was a typo in the presentation, 'Influence'.
-The second clip seemed to repeat the first clip a lot with the history so both wasn't really necessary.

Evaluation of the lesson

In my opinion, I think that my presentation went very well. I engaged with the students a lot and made sure that i didn't overwhelm them with words and too much information but made sure that i picked out the most important information to share. I also think that i was quite creative with my presentation as i had a lot of unique things in it like a quiz and a video plenary. Also, i think that i presented it quite well and made sure that i spoke clearly so that there is clear understanding. I think that i could have used more media terminology and remember to mention everything on my notes as on my notes i did have the controversies of News Corp and their political influence but i did not read it out by mistake. I also made the mistake of not sending the correct powerpoint as i did change the typo but the wrong powerpoint was presented. I think that the next time that i do a presentation, i could make sure that i memorise the notes so that nothing is missed out and make sure that everything is prepared in terms of having the right powerpoint and etc.

Wednesday, 5 October 2016

Feedback from people's presentation.

Asmit - Presentation on Time Warner.

WWW: What was well about his presentation is that he had good engagement with the class and presented quite a lot of information about time warner. Also, there were lots of tasks to do which meant that we were more able to remember what he was talking about and made sure that he had our attention.

EBI: What could have been better is that he could of had a plenary just to summarise what he had said and also have different type of engagement with the class by asking us questions and our opinion on what he had presented to make sure that we had the right understanding.