Homework - Own Advert Analysis.
Choose your own advert, write a similar analysis on your blog for a print advert of your choice. Use the same key words and headings and always consider the possible connotations. Highlight any example of media language in a different colour or text
The denotations of this smoking advert is that there is a man smoking but as smoke unravels it forms into a shape of a gun. The connotations of this shows that as the smoke from the cigarette and the smoke gun is connected. It shows that smoking is the same as a gun being pointed to someone's head. It connotes that smoking is dangerous, deadly, harmful and takes a violent stance towards your body. The colours of this poster is black, white and grey which are very dull, morbid colours. This could represent the dark truth behind smoking and the scary/ taunting effects that it has on the body. In addition to this, the framing of the picture shows a smoke figure of a gun next to a man pointing at his head which shows that smoking is hazardous and can be a killing agent. As the man in on the left hand side of the advert and the smoke figure of the gun in on the right hand side, this composition portrays that as your heart is on the left hand side of your body and keeps a person alive, the decision that the man is making is entirely his and he is choosing to end his life by smoking, in effect, shoots his heart with a gun. The text at the bottom of the right hand side of the advert says, "Kill a cigarette and save a life. Yours." and the size of the text is small. This is because the message from this advert is portrayed clearly and therefore the main focus is the image of the gun ravelling from the cigarette facing the guy. Also, The type of shot of this picture is a medium shot from a straight angle which shows that the main cause of concern in the person and the effects of smoking. The subject of the photograph is the cigarette and the smoke unravelling from it as it presents a serious message for the consequences of smoking. The setting of the photograph looks like it was taken indoors as it is against a black background which makes the picture more dark. Also, the lighting of the affects the mood and atmosphere as it casts a shadow on the mans face which suggests that the product (The cigarette) is slowly dimming the male's life and taking over in a dark way. The person in the photograph is posed in a serious way, it is not clear whether they are sitting or standing but their face looks miserable and vulnerable which could indicate that smoking has a negative effect on their life and lifestyle.
WWW-Strong analysis and use of media terminology which you have put in bold to emphasise and track your progress. In depth analysis of the connotations of the image and the way that it is lit and framed. Thoughtful and perceptive - a very good start!
ReplyDeleteEBI- Think about what camera angle has been used and why this was chosen / is effective. Think about the demographic and the pyschographic of the potential target audience and whether or not this advert would be successful.
The camera angle of this image is slightly more towards the left. As a persons heart is on the left this could represent the damage that it could do to the heart by the effects of smoking. The demographic is for everyone, regardless if they smoke or not. This is to prevent them from smoking and the people that do smoke, this is to urge them to stop. The psychographic of the potential target audience is for people that do smoke and this advert is aimed to get them to stop smoking. This challenges their conscience whilst smoking or makes them reflect on smoking and shows them the effects of doing this. I therefore think that this advert my be effective for some, those who are willing and dedicated to stop smoking, but ineffective for others who are strongly addicted to smoking but will make them think about it every time they do smoke.
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